Sorry, no pictures!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Slip and Slide
Today Meade took his first trip to the supermarket! We went in and went to the back of the store to get some milk and he started walking funny. So I started watching closer to see what was wrong and he was slipping on the floor. How do you get your puppies not to slip? Or do the just have to learn how to walk on the slippery floors?
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Styptic powder.........
Today I went to clip Meade's nails and I got the little tub of styptic powder just in case. I turned my head away for one second and......
Sorry that it is such a poor picture! The ghostly glow is the styptic powder!
P.S. What do you think of the new header?
Sunday, June 21, 2009
I was recently exploring the internet and found a cool website where you can morph peoples faces together!!! They have a ton of celebrity photos that you can morph with! So I checked it out and not only can you morph humans but you can also morph dogs! So I uploaded my dogs photos and morphed them with me! Enjoy!
Me and Meade morphed!

Me and Rina morphed

Me and Cruiser morphed

I think that everyone should do this now! It is really easy and fun! Go to and up top there is a button that says "upload"! Just upload your (and your pup's) picture, prepare it and morph!! When preparing yout puppies face if you can't see one of their facial features then try to imagine them as a human! You'll get what I'm saying when you get there!
Guess who is morphed with who in this picture!!

Friday, June 19, 2009
Take Meade out to the Ballgame!
Meado then had a rush of adrenaline and could not be controlled!!! So I walked him around and we played and when he finally started to go to sleep....!!!......!!!......!!!......!!!
(Suspenseful enough?)
It started raining really hard and we had to leave :/
The one good picture of him at the game
Sunday, June 14, 2009
First Outings
Well, yesterday Meade got his jacket!!! It's the smallest size and he doesn't fit into it very well...

So after he got his jacket we went to the library. He was SO good. It was kind of scary.

And then after the library we went to one of those farmer stores to get him some more food, but they didn't carry it so we went over to where they were selling the chickens and ducks. Meade was to small to see where they had the baby ducks but he was big enough to see the chicks!

They were afraid of him and ran away when he got to close to the cage. They were curious though, as you can see in the next picture.

And then, FINALLY we got to go home. He was a very tired puppy!

That was yesterday, today he got to go to church with me! We got up in the morning and I played with him so he would get tired and hopefully sleep the whole time! Then we got into the car and made our way there! When we got there and got out of the car two people came up and they were walking their golden retrievers. One of them saw Meade and asked me "Is he a golden retriever?"
That was my first weird comment in puppy raising.
ANYWAY, the rest of church went fine. Everyone loved him and he loved everyone. And he slept! The only problems I had were when he threw a tantrum about his head collar. And telling people his name. They always think that his name is "me" then I have to say "no, meaDe" and if they still don't know I'll spell it out. I'm thinking of just introducing him as Meado from now on...
Have you ever seen a black GOLDEN retriever?
If people don't understand your puppies name what do you say?
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Meado's Siblings!!! *******EDIT*******
I have been researching Meade's siblings this past week (see the list of them in his stats over there →). I have found Mara, Marlowe, Mia, and Monet. All of his sisters except Misty, and I haven't found any of his brothers. Mara, first af all, is in my puppy club! Here is a picture of her!!

And Mia is in Colorado! I have contacted the group that she is in and hope to hear from her
raisers soon! Here she is!

And Monet is in California. I am in touch with her raisers. She is a very special puppy. As it says on her clubs website "While all of puppies are special, Monet is even more so as she is a heart surgerysurvivor. A minor heart defect was detected early on and surgery was performed. This is one of at least 7 puppies who have had this work done by GDB. " I don't have a photo of her though.
And lastly, Marlowe. She is in norhthern Utah. I haven't yet contacted her raisers!! And I don't have a picture.
Here is a better picure of Mara.

She looks a lot like Rina in the way her head is shaped. She kind of has a princessy look. And she has a really manly bark.
P.s. MEADE IS LEGAL!!! We went to get his shots this morning. I would like to say that he was very good for the vet but......... yah. He wouldn't let her look in his ears. Usually he is wonderful when we play with his ears. :/
Here he is from this morning after the shots.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Meado's Siblings!!!
I have been researching Meade's siblings this past week (see the list of them in his stats over there →). I have found Mara, Marlowe, Mia, and Monet. All of his sisters except Misty, and I haven't found any of his brothers. Mara, first af all, is in my puppy club! Here is a picture of her!!

And Mia is in Colorado! I have contacted the group that she is in and hope to hear from her raisers soon! Here she is!

And Monet is in California. I am in touch with her raisers. She is a very special puppy. As it says on her clubs website "While all of puppies are special, Monet is even more so as she is a heart surgery survivor. A minor heart defect was detected early on and surgery was performed. This is one of at least 7 puppies who have had this work done by GDB. " I don't have a photo of her though.
And lastly, Marlowe. She is in norhthern Utah. I haven't yet contacted her raisers!! And I don't have a picture.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
(late) Spring Cleaning
Well, since I am now out of school and don't have much to do during the day my mom has put me to work! I am now doing lots and lots of chores for her! Today I am cleaning the living room! So first I vacuumed.We have a wonderful vacuum! It is the Dyson Animal!!! It IS the VERY BEST for animal hair!! Of course they just came out with a newer version and we have the ghetto one...... so now it might be second best....Anyway, here is the canister before vacuuming! 

And here is is after! It is so full of hair and dust that you can barley see inside!!!!
Then I decided to try and clean the carpet where Meade has had the most accidents. I used this stuff called Zorb that came with the vacuum. It is lemony smelling and yellow and looks like sawdust or couscous.....
It didn't work. :(
But the carpet smells good now :D
Here are some photos of Meade from photo shoot day!
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