Monday, April 20, 2009

I feel SO bad!

I feel like a horrible puppy raiser!!! 
First off, I've forgotten Meade's name a couple of times! 
Secondly, I was taking him off his tie down and he had his bone. He was so happy about his bone and was prancing around and for the one second that he was loose in the house he ran into my mom's office and ran head on into the filing cabinet!!! 
I feel so so so so so so so so so so so sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is very smart and I'm afraid that now he might not be!! He is (was) already understanding the "let's go" command!!! 


  1. Aww, Mitch, I'm sure you are doing a GREAT job!! I have three cats, a pet dog and Westin and I sure get confused with names, too. The other day I looked at my own cat and had to think about what his name was. Sometimes I also say "Come here, M....westin!"

    Don't worry about it! Meade is smart, but he's just a puppy!! He is still learning that filing cabinets don't pet puppies. He is still learning :)

  2. Don't worry about the bonk to the head! He's sure to get many more before he really figures out where his body is in this world! Poppy bonks her head more days than she doesn't. And, she's still super smart!

    And, you'll get used to the name! I took me about 6 months to stop calling one of my puppies "Yoda with a Ch" when trying to remember Chotah's name!

  3. The name will come. I have had Fullerton for six months and I still call him Prudy, or Pruderton, or Frudy or Spankerton, or okay. . . the list goes on and on, sometimes I just blank and stare at him for a bit before I recall the name and say "fullerton, sit"

    And Fullerton has bashed himself into countless doors, windows, banisters, stairs, dressers, closets etc. etc. etc. He is still smart, no harm done. :D It will take some time for Meade to figure out he can't go through filing cabinets.

  4. oohhh I'm laughing and crying at the same time. Treasure these cute puppy moments - he was learning, sometimes they learn a little more dramatically than others (like when Lani ran full speed into the glass patio door). Sorry he bumped his head, but like everyone said it comes with growing up. Think about how often you fell down when you were growing up.

    You think one name is bad, try having two 50lb black labs at the same time. Wafflelani, laniwaffle it happens.

  5. Don't worry about it! I had a hard time with Runza and Ellsworth too! Luckily they let me shorten Ellsworth's name to Ellie or I'd really stumble. Bonks are all part of the process! Shows what a good puppy raiser you are for caring though! :D

  6. You're doing fine Mitch!! Puppies are cubby so they can handle a bump or two lol!! you should have seen some of the things my dogs have done to themselves like jumping off porches into prickly bushes,etc...!!!
    Don't worry about forgetting his name, believe me, my dogs all respond to each others name! LOL! He'll get it!!

  7. You ARE definitely falling down on the job, Mitch--but only because you didn't post a photo today. We need visuals!!

  8. First: Meade looks SO much like Alana. You lucky lucky!!

    When I got my first puppy I could not remember his name for my life, as I had never heard of the name before. You'll get it eventually. :)

  9. When I got Jacoba, I had to carry her ID card around in an easy to access spot so I could look at her name to remind me what it was every few minutes! It happens.

  10. I am sure Meade is just fine! One little bonk on the head is nothing, I am sure there will be more. Hobbs full on ran into a tree once and is no worse for it.

    As for the name, you will get it! I had to ask someone more than once how to pronounce Calliope's name. You would think GDB would include it on the paperwork with a name like that! After you say it a million times through the next year, you wont be able to forget it.

  11. Lol!!! You are doing just fine. Lol, I am always forgetting my dogs names, or calling them the wrong ones! I even called my sister by one of the dogs names once!

    You will get used to it, and as for the runnign into stuff, my adult dogs still do that and they seem just fine!

  12. You're doing fine! Those silly puppies do silly things! Can't wait to see more photos! He's an adorable little thing.
