Saturday, April 18, 2009


Here are some pictures of Meade! They are in reverse order! Sorry!

Meade LOVES his goughnut! But its a bit to big..... (And, no my carpet is not pink, the camera did that!)

What a cutie!

First bath!

Coming off the puppy truck!

And guess what! He is almost completely crate trained! And he doesn't complain about being on tie down! The only problem is his accidents! He is getting better but he just doesn't tell us when he needs to go!


  1. It is really hard to tell when those little guys have to go - you just kind of have to watch their body language and even if they haven't shown signs of needing to go in a while, take them out :) Take him out after everything!!! Playing, eating, drinking, sleeping, etc.! He is SOO cute and it sounds like he is smart and you are doing a great job.

  2. Good Luck Mitch! Remember these things won't happen over night! Hang in there!!! Sammy has some good advice, set a timer for say every 30 minutes, and take him out, whether he looks like he needs to go or not! I'm sure others have already told you all this!!
    He is a cutie!!

  3. He is a cute boy! And his name isn't half bad! Make sure you are not giving him too much water, or potty training will be amazingly difficult. He should only need like 2-2 1/2 cups of water per day, including the water you put in his food!

  4. Sounds like he's been a busy boy for his first day. Don't have any advice that you haven't already heard yet.
